I’ve delivered therapy online throughout the UK since the beginning of the first lockdown in 2020. My online hypnotherapy sessions are delivered via Zoom, Skype and other online services.
As a fully qualified hypnotherapist, I’m a Member of the National Council of Hypnotherapy and hold a Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma and Diploma in Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy. To understand more about my qualifications, you can read this article: ‘Is Online Hypnotherapy Safe?’ I hope it answers many of your questions.
I’m also happy to talk things through, just call: 07966 464 005 or contact me via this form.
Steve Dell BA (Hons) HPD DSFH MNCH (Reg) NCH AFSFH

At first, I was skeptical as some people prefer face-to-face therapy, however, my existing clients found the experience just as beneficial. This led me to develop an effective program that makes the process of online therapy seamless.
I practice Solution Focused Hypnotherapy online.
It’s talking therapy that’s not intrusive. Instead, we work towards finding the authentic you, based on your goals and aspirations. It’s based on the work of David Newton. His approach to therapy is one of the most successful in the world. It works for many areas relating to mental health because the human mind is more likely to adopt change when it comes from within, but we can get stuck. The sticking point or barrier to change is ourselves. Hypnosis helps you to drop those barriers allowing change to begin. It’s really that simple.
Hypnotherapy online follows the same structured approach you’d expect when visiting a hypnotherapy practice.
There has been a lot of activity from scientists performing online hypnosis research, or any form of e-therapy for that matter. Generally, it’s perceived that hypnotherapy sessions conducted over the internet have the same success rate as face to face therapy (when two people same room).
The Journal of Medical Internet Research (Vol. 14, No. 4) states “e-therapy seems to be at least equivalent to face-to-face therapy in terms of therapeutic alliance, and that there is a relationship between the therapeutic alliance and e-therapy outcome”.
The therapeutic alliance is a way of describing the positive connection between a client and their therapist.
It’s important with online hypnotherapy to do your research before making any commitments. Usually, a quick chat over the phone is a great way to gauge if you feel comfortable talking about your feelings in detail. This free consultation will also give you an opportunity to learn more about the therapist’s experience and if they can meet your individual needs.
Many people feel more relaxed in familiar surroundings without the added stress of family commitments. Feeling relaxed and comfortable is an important factor for success, not only for entering in a trance-like state but also for making that connection with the hypnotherapist.
If you’d like to make your first steps towards understanding how online hypnosis can help call: 07966 464 005 or contact me using this form.
The great thing about online hypnotherapy is you get to enjoy the processes from the comfort of your own home. That means no matter where you are in the UK, you can experience the process of transformation, even if you’re unable to leave the home.
It all starts with an initial consultation. From there I use an online hypnotherapy platform that has been tested by many different hypnotherapists across the UK. We believe it’s the most reliable option. It has fewer interruptions and has the highest privacy settings.
Below are some of the areas I can help you with:
– Control panic attacks caused by anxiety such as social anxiety
– Manage stress and anger
– Take control of negative behavioural patterns such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
– Process trauma and PTSD
– Overcome phobias and fears
– Help build confidence, self-belief and improve low self-esteem
– Manage eating disorders such as binge eating, helping aid weight loss
– Stop smoking, overcome addiction and bad habits
– Tackle low mood and alleviate the effects of depression
– Address the fear of public speaking and performance anxiety
If this sounds like something you might be interested in discussing further, just call 07966 464 005 or complete this contact form and I’ll arrange a free consultation
Results vary from person to person.
As with all therapies, hypnotherapy online is different from person to person.
I have no reason to believe that your experience with internet-based hypnosis will differ in any way from a face to face session. But, if you have issues with poor internet connectivity or struggle to find a quiet space I suggest finding somewhere that does.
It’s important that you feel like you’re in a place that you feel you can relax. What I suggest is if you’re looking for online hypnotherapy near me, then your choice of hypnotherapist is very important.
My approach is a gentle way of creating change, we won’t dig into your past but instead we work towards what a future you would look and feel like. Online hypnotherapy gives you the freedom to choose a professional from anywhere in the UK, making it easier to find the perfect fit.
You’ll need to have access to Zoom for the initial virtual hypnotherapy session. If you’ve not heard of Zoom it’s similar to other online video services such as Skype or FaceTime. It’s really easy to set up and I can guide you through that process. Just make sure you’re in a comfortable place with a reliable internet connection and as little noise as possible. If you have children or dependents, maybe see if you can get someone to take care of them for you. Before your session you’ll receive an invitations link that will allow you to access the session. If you don’t have access to a computer, tablet or smartphone don’t worry, we can run the session by phone.
Online hypnotherapy is a convenient alternative to face to face sessions.
Just like clinical therapy, online hypnosis is completely safe and offers the same rewards you’d expect from visiting a hypnotherapist at their clinic.
What I practice is called Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, it follows a structured approach and that is no different in person or over the internet. During the pandemic, it has been proven to be an excellent method of delivery for sessions. Doing hypnosis online is ideal for people with families, time constraints, immobile or have to travel long distances.
As with all my online sessions, we begin with an initial Zoom consultation, this is where we discover more about each other and what you want to achieve.
The sessions afterward are broken down into three parts.
The first is a discussion about why the brain acts like it does.
The second will be to explore and co-create the goals you wish to achieve and then the third is the hypnosis part. You’ll want to make sure you’re in a quiet and relaxing space in your home or office to fully benefit from online hypnotherapy.
There’s no reason to believe that online hypnotherapy does not work better than face to face hypnosis.
In fact I have found that many of my clients prefer having their session in the comfort of their own home. Being in your own surroundings is often a relaxing experience and that’s a perfect environment for change to happen.
E-therapy has already had many academic articles published, a quick search on Google Scholar shows many trials have been running for over a decade. The results state that not only is online therapy as effective as other methods but it’s more accessible. People with mobility issues, social anxiety, agoraphobia and rural communities all benefit.
Hypnosis doesn’t have to rely on a hypnotherapist being with you in a room. In fact, you probably experience a hypnotic state many times a day.
It usually occurs when we’re doing something we enjoy or immersed in our work. That is technically what happens when a hypnotherapist puts you in a trance. Online hypnotherapy is no different, except you’ll be guided by a hypnotherapist over the internet.
So yes, hypnotherapy can be done online and with the same success rates as face to face consultations.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, which is what I practice, is a relaxing experience. We explore why the brain works like it does, discuss ideas and the goals you want to achieve. The hypnosis part helps you to process these new thoughts and consolidate old ones, safely. You’re always in control.