Hi, I’m Steve. I am a Member of the National Council of Hypnotherapy and hold a Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma and Diploma in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy awarded by the CPHT, considered the gold standard in hypnotherapy training. I have extensive experience with hypnotherapy for phobia in London and online.
If you would like to discuss how I can help you overcome phobia or fear please call: 07966 464 005 or via this contact form
Steve Dell BA (Hons) HPD DSFH MNCH (Reg) NCH AFSFH

Hypnosis is a natural sate of mind that the brain relishes given half the chance.
It’s a state of mind that temporarily suspends the part of the brain that holds on to patterns of behaviour that it feels are working.
Phobias can either be developed as rational fears from a bad experience or irrational fears that have no obvious origins. Each can be treated easily enough using hypnosis but depending on whether your phobia is rational or irrational, determines a slightly different approach.
To discuss how hypnotherapy can help you overcome fear or a phobia, call: 07966 464 005 or contact me via this form.
For phobias from a known, bad experience, I treat this, in the same way I would treat trauma. That fear remains very much “live” and needs filing away safely. And this filing-away can be done in one session. Further sessions are often needed after that, in order to create fresh and appropriate behavioural responses towards that experience.
Ready to start your journey? Call me on 07966 464 005 or complete this contact form to arrange a free initial consultation.
With irrational phobias, there is no trauma or bad experience to process, so all we would need to do is explore and co-create a fresh and appropriate response to the object of your fear. And then during the hypnosis part of the session, you’ll be able to experience that appropriate response without that resistant part of your brain holding you back. And in this way, positive change will have begun and a new behavioural pattern will have started to form.
Results vary from person to person.
I have a hypnotherapy practice at Muswell Health (North London) and also at The Terapia Consultancy (Central London). I also run a virtual practice, with many of my clients enjoying the process of hypnotherapy online, from the comfort of their own homes.
If this sounds like something you might be interested in discussing further, just call 07966 464 005 or complete this contact form to arrange a free initial consultation.
Fear is a natural emotion that we feel when facing danger. It can stem from negative experiences. Phobias result in more extreme responses to objections or situations that spark fear. The individual is often aware that their response is irrational, but has no power to control their feelings.
Phobias can stem from bad experiences. They cab also have no recognisable origins – rational and irrational. Both are treatable using hypnosis but need different approaches. There are a range of techniques to treat phobias. This varies depending on if the root cause of the phobia is known. By analysing the response and severity of the phobia, a combination of techniques can be used to resolve it.
Whether you are a regular public speaker or have a fear of public speaking, hypnotherapy can help restore your confidence. We would co-create an imaginary performance scenario that goes well for you. And by using hypnosis reinforce that experience to create a positive change and new behavioural pattern.
Results vary from person to person. Some may receive the desired results in one session, whereas others may need more sessions to reinforce the behaviours. Hypnotherapists may also offer self-hypnosis relaxation techniques to manage your phobia long term.
At no point during a hypnotherapy session would you be exposed to your phobia without the correct mindset and mental rehearsal. Exposure is usually done by the client when they feel ready to do so.